
النداء الثالث والأخير للسيد الشهيد محمد باقر الصدر(قدس)

قام السيّد الشهيد محمد باقر الصدر(قدس)في 20- 25/ شعبان/ 1399 هـ -، 14- 19/ 7/ 1979 م)، بتسجيل نداءه الثالث والأخير إلى الشعب العراقي، اثر قيام سلطة البعث الكافرة بحملات اعتقال واسعة شملت عشرات الألوف من أبناء الشعب العراقي ووضعهم تحت أشدّ أنواع التعذيب، وهذا نصّه: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‏ والحمد لله ربّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على محمد وعلى آله وصَحبه الميامين. يا شعبي العراقي العزيز أيّها الشّعب العظيم إنّي أخاطبك في هذه اللحظة العصيبة من محنتك وحياتك الجهاديّة، بكلّ فئاتك وطوائفك: بعربكَ وأكرادك، بسنّتك وشيعتك، لأنّ المحنة لا تخصّ مذهباً دون آخر، ولا قوميّة دون أخرى، وكما أنّ المحنة هي محنة كلّ الشعب العراقي، فيجب أن يكون الموقف الجهاديّ والرّدّ البطوليّ والتلاحم النضالي هو واقع كلّ الشعب العراقي. وإنّي منذ عرفت وجودي ومسؤوليّتي في هذه الأمّة بذلت هذا الوجود من أجل الشيعي والسّني على السّواء، ومن أجل العربيّ والكرديّ على السواء، حيث دافعت عن الرسالة التي توحّدهم جميعاً وعن العقيدة التي تضمهم جميعاً، ولم أعِش بفكري وكياني إلّا للإسلام طريق الخلاص وهدف الجميع. فأنا

دروس من بحث الدولة المارقة في عصر الظهور (1)

توطئه... الشيعي المتطرّف قد يشعر بحرج كلّما رأى حبّ أهل البيت النبوي شائعاً في أهل السنّة؛ فيما يشعر بارتياح عندما يجد العكس، وهكذا لا يُبدي السنّي المتطرّف ارتياحاً أحياناً لوجود تشيّع معتدل يتخذ موقفاً مقبولاً من الصحابة؛ لأنّه يرغب في تقديم التشيّع لوحةً واحدة متطرّفة من وجهة نظره.. هذه الظاهرة خطيرة جدّاً، وتبدّد أيّ إمكانية في التواصل، وفي الوصول إلى تفاهم مشترك بين التيارات أو المذاهب القائمة. مناقشه ..... ما قامت علية النزعه الطائفية و التعصب الديني بين المذاهب الاسلاميه و بين المذهبين الشيعي و السني على وجه الخصوص هو ما اخرج لنا داعش نموذجا من ادبيات ابن تيمية الحراني .. و وجد  في العراق و سوريا منذ صدر الاسلام و الى الان الارضيه الخصبه لرفع الوية القتل و التدمير و على هذا الاساس شخص السيد الاستاذ المحقق الصرخي الحسني دامت توفيقاته اسباب المشكله و ذهب في طريق العلاج المتكامل لهذا السرطان الخبيث فعملية استئصاله تتطلب منا و من الجميع ان يفهم ان اصل مشكلة المتطرفين الخوارج النواصب عميقة منذ صدر الاسلام في حياة النبي محمد فعندما اتهم ابو الخويصرة النبي بعدم العداله ..امتشق ع

The historical extension of Imam Hussein's revolution and its relation to the achievement of divine goals

Approach savagery and criminality when Altimih bring disaster to the Islamic country !!! With the son of the ether we interact with some of the events and events in the countries of Islam related to the Tatars and their invasion of the country of Islam and violations of the sanctity and the commission of human massacres and genocide, in full 10 (260 - 452): son of the ether: 1..2.7 - Then said Ibn al-Atheer (10/336): {{[Then entered the year seventeen and six hundred (617 e)]: [mentioned the departure of the titers to Turkestan and beyond the river and what they did]: a This year appeared Altter to the country of Islam, , and the mountains of their homes Tmgaj Ho China, and between them and the countries of Islam more than six months. The reason for their appearance was that their king, called Genghis Khan, had left his country and traveled to the areas of Turkestan, and a group of merchants and Turks, and with them many of the click (the gold or silver ingot, the melted piece o

The confused words of the altayymia confused the reader !!!

[The confused words of the altayymia confused the reader !!! (2): the embodiment of imitation and ignorance and confusion .. Myth What happened to Islam and the country of Islam and the fall of Baghdad, All the views of the Minister Ibn al-Alqmi al-Rafidi], and that: 1..2.6 - Then returned to Baghdad and accompanied by Khawaja Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, and the Minister of Ibn al-Alqmi and others, and the Caliph under the Hawatah and confiscation, he came from the Caliphate home a lot of gold and ornaments and And those who are hypocrites have told Hulaku not to reconcile the caliph. The minister said: When the peace is signed on the parochial, this does not last for a year or two, and then it comes back to what it was before, and they improved the killing of the caliph , When the Caliph returned to Sultan Hulaku ordered to kill him, [Comment: very turbulent words, because it is Khazbalat tried to use the method Altmlisi use for use In the minds of the recipient: Is it that Ibn al-Alqmi i

The Taliban sultans ignite the Islamic countries by wars and then defeat the ugliest defeat

The Taliban sultans ignite the Islamic countries by wars and then defeat the ugliest defeat !! (2): Mythology, imitation, ignorance and confusion .. Myth (35): Sedition .. Header Kufr .. The horn of Satan !!!: Speech in the first: the second .. The second side .. Seventh: Aljahmi and the body Do you agree ?! The first thing .. The second thing .. The seventh thing: Tusi and al-Qa'mi and the caliph and Hulaku and the conspiracy !!!: The first point .. The second point .. The fourth point: Hulaku and Genkizkhan, the Mongols and the Tatars: 1..2..7 .. Resource1 .. Resource 2. 7: With the son of the ether, we interact with some of the transfer of events and the course of things in the countries of Islam related to the Tatars and their invasion of the country of Islam and violations of human rights and massacres and genocide, in full 10 (260 - 452): Ibn Atheer: 16 Then Ibn al-Atheer said: {[The mention of the arrival of the Tatars to Azerbaijan]: a They gathered and marched in the for

Taymiyyah al-Takfiri is the sadistic murderer of the ugly massacre of Karbala

Taymiyyah al-Takfiri is the sadistic murderer of the ugly massacre of Karbala !!! (2): Mythology, imitation, ignorance and confusion .. Myth (35): Sedition .. The head of infidelity (1): .. The horn of the devil !!!: Speech in the first: the first .. The second side .. Seventh party: Al-Jahmi and the body Do you agree ?! The first thing .. The second thing .. The sixth thing: the Tenth Roskhoons and their councils Husseiniya !!!: .. Just enough to mention one model of their councils and Roskuniatm their Imam Ibn Katheer: the beginning and the end 13 (233 250) said: ((Then entered the year six hundred and six hundred) 656 e): [where the Tatars took Baghdad and killed the most people until the Caliph, and the state of the sons of Abbas): 1..2.6 and the arrival of Hulaku Khan with all his troops.7 And arrived in Baghdad with many soldiers infidel and unfair unjust unjustified. And the Baghdad armies in the very few and the end of the humiliation, do not reach ten thousand knights !!! .

O isis

Approach savagery and criminality when Altimih bring disaster to the Islamic country !!! With the son of the ether we interact with some of the events and events in the countries of Islam related to the Tatars and their invasion of the country of Islam and violations of the sanctity and the commission of human massacres and genocide, in full 10 (260 - 452): son of the ether: 1..2.7 - Then said Ibn al-Atheer (10/336): {{[Then entered the year seventeen and six hundred (617 e)]: [mentioned the departure of the titers to Turkestan and beyond the river and what they did]: a This year appeared Altter to the country of Islam, , and the mountains of their homes Tmgaj Ho China, and between them and the countries of Islam more than six months. The reason for their appearance was that their king, called Genghis Khan, had left his country and traveled to the areas of Turkestan, and a group of merchants and Turks, and with them many of the click (the gold or silver ingot, the melted piece